We are Mindset Levers

Sean is a C-suite executive with a strong vision, having successfully grown a Franchise business into a multi-billion enterprise as their CEO for 15 years and was previously the Managing Director of a high-tech company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Sean understands that every company needs a system and he shows companies on how to improve their performance using his method of Mindset Levers. Sean works with a premise that companies need to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Then they need to focus their system on the  20% of management effort that produces the 80% business growth and performance. These Mindset levers cover People, Processes and Productivity.

Mindset Levers

A company’s goal is to continuously improve its performance. It does this through People, Processes and Productivity. James Clear in his book Atomic Habits introduces the concept of marginal gains that over time show big results. James Clear explains that by getting 1% better each day, in 365 days you will be 37,8% better. Sean adopted this philosophy in how he created Mindset Levers. So here is the question: What is the 1% you need to do different today that you weren’t doing yesterday?


How would you answer these statements:

I can(’t) embrace failure as a path to success.
I can(’t) make my company a learning organisation.
I can(‘t) create a psychological safe workspace.
I can(’t) get my team’s time and priorities right.
I can(’t) control how technology is eating away at productivity.
I can(’t) choose 360 Reviews over KPI measurement.
I can(‘t) shift to Input measures over Output measures.
I can(‘t) make performance management gamification.
If you answered CAN’T to any of these statements, let me show you how Mindset Levers CAN aid you.  

Business strategy

Business Strategy is my bread and butter! With over 15 years of experience as a visionary CEO and a track record of growing a franchise business into a multi-billion dollar enterprise, I know how to strategically position a company for success through a system. From analyzing market trends to identifying growth opportunities, I have the expertise to develop and execute effective strategies that drive business growth and eat the competition for breakfast.


Intrapreneurship is all about being an entrepreneur within an established company. It’s about having the mindset and skills to identify opportunities, take risks, and drive innovation from within, ultimately helping the company grow and stay ahead of the competition. How do you get people to take ownership in your company? I can teach you this. It’s all about creating a system. Mindset Levers is the system I created.


Mentorship is like having a wise and experienced guide by your side, helping you navigate the challenges of both personal and professional growth. Think of me as your sherpa while you are climbing Mount Everest. It’s a powerful relationship where I get to share my knowledge, insights, and experiences to support and inspire you in reaching your full potential. 

About Us

From Franchise Growth to Consulting: Unleashing Business Potential with a Visionary CEO

Hey there! I’m a super-driven CEO with a knack for spotting opportunities. I’ve spent 15 years supercharging a franchise business, turning it into a massive R 2.5 billion enterprise that outgrew the competition threefold. Before that, I was the managing director at a technology company listed on the London Stock Exchange. I’ve got an MBA from Bond University, a PMP from PMBoK under my belt, as well as being a certified Consciousness Coaching coach. Now, I’m all about helping companies fine-tune their system strategies and optimise their business performance through Mindset Levers that I developed over the last two decades of experience at the c suite.

What Services We Provide

What Our Clients Say

This has been incredibly beneficial to our team, and there has been a substantial increase in productivity. My company revenue has risen by 13% as a direct result of using Mindset Levers. Your advice to focus more in Inputs instead of only Outputs has motivated people to learn. I have never been more prosperous thanks to you.

Lebohang Lekalakala

Working alongside Sean as my mentor has been a great experience. He has helped me not only with business mentorship but has also helped me shape my mindset and get clear on what to focus on that will push the needle for the business. Whether it’s complex business modeling, pricing, eCommerce strategy, running through ideas, or discussing investor term sheets, Sean has helped me stay clear of the land mines from his vast experience in business and has come up with some great ideas that have helped broaden the way I think. When I get stuck, Sean helps me to think from a different perspective. He tells it as it is, which is often needed as an entrepreneur, and his unwavering belief in my potential has ignited my resilience and determination. I’m deeply grateful for his personalized mentorship and look forward to our continued journey.

Darren de Abreu

The mentorship and coaching provided is incredibly impactful, empowering individuals to reach their full potential and achieve their professional goals.

Samuel Stevens

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